Sendtex mailbox

email marketing Send, follow up and manage
your newsletters in a user-friendly
and well-organized tool.

Sendtex | email marketing platform
Sendtex gdpr Sendtex gdpr


  • Explosively user-friendly
  • Secure address management
  • Up to 500 emails per month for free
  • Actionable key metrics
  • GDPR compliant
  • Made in Europe
Sendtex Why

Start 30-day free trail
No training or credit card required!


Easy to use email marketing tool
  • Personalise your messages: implement your corporate identity and add custom field data. It's up to you.
  • Everyone can work with Sendtex. No tutorials needed. Need help? We've got your back.
  • Reduce your workload and reuse successful campaigns. Add a few updates and... Send!
  • Our helpdesk

secure address management

  • Upload your contacts via CSV upload, through your website signup form or add them manually. Sendtex automatically checks for incorrect or duplicate addresses.
  • Sendtex complies with the GDPR legislation and allows you to follow a working method suitable for your own company. Click here for more information.
  • Relax while Sendtex processes new subscriptions, unsubscriptions, bounces and even spam complaints.
Secure and GDPR-proof

your work

Easy to interpret email marketing statistics
  • Discover who clicked on links, when and how often. Use the data to create target groups and provide segmented messages.
  • Test, analyze, and optimise. Sendtex has an easy to use dashboard to help you analyze results.
  • Bounced emails and unsubscribers are processed automatically.
  • Free 30-day test account

reach inboxes

  • Getting your emails delivered to your contacts is hard work but not with the Sendtex email marketing tool.
  • Sendtex automatically runs technical checks to help improve your deliverability rate. We are committed to help your emails reach inboxes and continuously add improvements to our tech.
  • Need more support for your email campaign? The Sendtex team has over 8 years of experience to offer clients. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help.
  • Do you want to optimise your email marketing, enhance email deliverability and custom features? You’ll love our custom Enterprise plan. Contact us for more information.
Reach inboxes with professional newsletters

Still not convinced?Try sendtex for free for 30 days!

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No training or credit card required!

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